

Thank you for choosing Sacred Heart Church for your marriage. We are here to help you with your plans and answer any question that you may have.

No dates can be put in our book until you have personally met with a priest and you mutually agree on the day and time, whether it will be a Nuptial mass or a ceremony. Once this has been determined, you may choose:

A Saturday- (after 12 P.M. and no later than 2:30 P.M.)

A Sunday –  (not before 3 P.M.)

Once this has been determined, certain requirements must be met before entering into the sacrament of Matrimony. They are:

  1. New Baptismal Certificate (dated within 6 months of the wedding)
  2. Record of First Communion and Confirmation (from the Church where you received these sacraments)
  3. Parent’s Permission – necessary for anyone under 18 wishing to receive this sacrament
  4. Pre-Cana Class: The Archdiocese of New York requires all couples to attend this class. Booklets and registration forms are available from your parish
  5. Letter of Freedom- any non-parishioner must get this letter, stating that he/she is free to marry. This would come from the individual’s own parish.
  6. Pre-Marital Investigation (PMI): A series of questions asked by the priest concerning the background of the parties and the true nature of the Sacrament that they are to receive. Bring church documents to this scheduled meeting as well as Pre-Cana certificate, which state that you have completed the class.
  7. Publication of Banns of Matrimony: Published in our weekly bulletin on 3 successive Sundays before your wedding. Please give the priest the exact spellings of your names, as they are to appear.
  8. Dispensation from Banns or a Mixed Marriage: The priest must apply to the Chancery Office for this dispensation.

No marriage can be performed without a civil license. This license may be obtained at any County Clerk’s office anywhere in New York State. Pick up 2-3 weeks before wedding.

Please contact the rectory for questions concerning the reception.

Floral decorations are permitted and should remain in the church after the service. Please have your florist call the rectory at 949-0028 to arrange the day and time of delivery. The white runner, if used, is secured through your florist. The length of the aisle is 75 feet.

The photographer should in no way interfere with the celebration of the Sacrament. Too frequently they forget this is a sacred ceremony in the hope of “getting a picture”. Please remind your photographers to use respect when doing their job.

We do not allow the throwing of rice, confetti, rose petals, birdseed, etc. anywhere within the church.

The priest and the couple will agree upon a date and time. Since this takes place within the church, the bridal party is reminded to conduct themselves accordingly. Please bring the marriage license with you that evening.

The wedding fee is $900. This covers everything. The above fee must be paid by check to the Church of Sacred Heart at least 30 days before the ceremony.


If you have additional questions or are ready to reserve your wedding date with us, please contact the rectory.