Parish Mission Statement

The Church of the Sacred Heart is a Community of Disciples of the Lord, who invite us all to gather as one, to hear His word, to give thanks for that word amid prayer and praise, and to offer a loving hand of comfort and support to all, especially those in need.


Mass Times

Sunday Mass

5:00 PM
7:00 PM Spanish

8:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM Korean
7:00 PM Folk Group

Weekday Mass

7:00 AM
12:10 PM


Holy Days of Obligation

When Holy Day is a weekday

7:00 PM

Holy Day
7:00 AM
12:10 PM


3:45 – 4:30 PM


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Online Giving

All parishioners are kindly asked to register for recurring online giving as soon as possible to continue supporting the Church of the Sacred Heart.

The 2025 Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal

Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?

Your support helps fund:

  • Financially vulnerable parishes
  • Charitable outreach & pastoral support
  • Evangelization & Catholic education
  • Formation of new parish priests
  • Care for sick and retired priests
0% $72,400 Goal

Thank you for your participation! So far, 33 parishioners have raised $6,714 and we need $65,686 to reach our goal. If you haven’t already, please prayerfully consider participating. Make your pledge today and pay over time!

Upcoming Events

Come join us as we celebrate and worship together as a community.
Please click on the event title for full details.